
BWRMA provides general announcements and/or notifications of specific interest to our community:

8-24   Summons and Complaint Letter to Owners

8-24  Summons and Complaint 24-2-00162-15

8-22 BWRMA Hidden Springs Road Temporary Closure Notice

2021 Starlink Beta 4 month test experience

8/2020  Broadband Speed Survey Washington State Broadband Office

              Additional Washington State Broadband Office information


Jefferson County PUD #1  Broadband Information

Jefferson PUD and NoaNet

Jefferson PUD is a member of Northwest Open Access Network or NoaNet, a non-profit corporation consisting of a consortium of public utility districts that sell wholesale telecommunications services.  In the summer of 2013, a new broadband network was completed in East Jefferson County with America Recovery Act grant funding with the intention of providing faster, more affordable broadband technology to community anchor institutions such as government, education, medical and public safety services.  The network is owned by the PUD, but operated by NoaNet.NoaNet_logo

While the grant was intended to serve community-based services, other businesses and organizations will be able to connect and receive service through internet service providers (ISP) utilizing the new network. Neither NoaNet, nor the PUD however can provide service to an end user. Contact an ISP to ask them what enhanced services they can provide you.

7-19 Water Quality Report

Hello neighbors,    There will be brush cutting, gravel and paved road maintenance being performed during the summer and early fall when weather conditions are ideal.. Please drive carefully and be on alert for large construction vehicles. Should you have questions or need information, please view the latest Road Repairs Reports or contact me.  Thank you and have a great summer,  Ralph Santamaria, President BWRMA

2019 Washington State Department of Transportation 104SR–Paradise–Shine Roads Project